Please find below various links to services, prayers, films and so forth produced in the Bromsgrove & Redditch Methodist Church Circuit which we hope you might access and find helpful.
1. 9am Morning prayers.
With Deacon Gwynn Bamford. Simply search for Gwynn’s Facebook page.
2. Circuit YouTube channel.
Occasional services and films are uploaded.
YouTube address:
or search Bromsgrove & Redditch Methodist Church Circuit
You don’t need to sign up to watch this. But if you do open a YouTube account you can become a subscriber which I think means you can get notifications when something new gets uploaded. The alternative is simply to look out for publicity or visit from time to time.
3. Circuit Website.
This is our main source for circuit information. Various blogs (i.e. writings and notices!) and information about events usually get publicised here. . The site is updated regularly so worth visiting from time to time
4. Facebook
Follow the Circuit at Bromsgrove and Redditch Methodist Church Circuit.